Supportive Services for Veteran Families

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program is funded by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs and is administered through Heartland Human Care Services to provide supportive services for low or very low-income veteran families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. The services are designed to increase the housing stability of veterans and veteran families that are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness. Homeless veterans (and families) are placed into scattered-site apartments in the city of Chicago or Cook County with independent landlords. The SSVF program is able to provide temporary financial assistance directly to the landlord based on the need of the veteran household. Participants at risk of homelessness are provided with financial assistance to ensure they can remain in their current housing (usually rental payments). The program’s goal is to help participants to exit to a permanent housing destination, to maintain or increase income and/or employment, and to be connected to veteran benefits. All participants are offered employment services and receive intensive case management, housing location/inspection services and referrals to other services such as clinical, education and legal services. This program serves 220 veterans and their households annually.

To be eligible, participants must reside in the City of Chicago or Suburban Cook County, have a household income less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI), be a member of a veteran family (single individual or multi-person household) AND meet one of the following criteria:

  • be at risk of losing permanent housing within 14 days (i.e. possess an eviction notice or scheduled eviction court date)
  • be residing in a “doubled up” situation and be able to provide a notarized letter from lease holder that states need to vacate unit within 14 days
  • be experiencing literal homelessness or residing in housing that is not meant for human habitation (i.e. park, street, condemned housing)
  • be fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence

Documents required to enroll and receive financial services: DD-214 or other proof of veteran status.

For more information or to complete a screening, contact 311 and ask for “short term help” or call the SSVF hotline at 773-336-6088.

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

4411 N Ravenswood Ave
Chicago IL 60640