Planting the SEED of Change

Heartland Human Care Services’s Support, Education, and Economic Development (SEED) program, in partnership with the Circuit Court of Cook County, provides a second chance to Cook County residents facing felony drug charges.

“The drug diversion program plants the seed for people—it gives them hope to live a safe, secure, economically stable future,” said Karlos Lloyd, who oversees SEED.

SEED builds upon lessons from READI Chicago, an innovative response to gun violence that connects people with cognitive behavioral interventions (CBI), employment and education training and resources, and other supports to work toward different futures.

In collaboration with the Circuit Court of Cook County, judges, public defenders, and other justice system partners, SEED offers an alternative to jail time for people charged with class 2 or class 3 felonies for drug distribution.

Rather than spending time incarcerated and with limited access to reentry services, participants attend 12 months of CBI, employment and education training, and individualized coaching. Upon completion of program requirements, participants can have their convictions expunged, giving them a fresh start on a different path.

Hear from two graduates about the difference SEED has made to them.



SEED Case Manager Maria Rios (left) with SEED participant Christina (right)

“Before I started SEED, I didn’t think I belonged here and had no idea what to expect. I was in denial, but being here, I realized I needed more positive influence and influencers in my life to become a better person. I realized that I’m not the only one dealing with these things.

“This program helped me see other options besides what I had been doing. It helped me with a lot of coping skills, like removing myself from bad situations, recognizing my triggers and behaviors, exploring where my anger comes from, and controlling how I react.

“I’ve learned a lot from SEED and have loved it. At the end of the day, I am the one responsible for myself, and now I am taking care of myself and working toward my future and independence.”

Watch Christina reflect on what she’s learned from SEED.



SEED participant Ashley (left) with Case Manager Maria Rios (right)

“Being in SEED is like having a team of life coaches—they really want to help you get on the right track, get a job, go to school, and work toward whatever goals you have.

“Now that I have a baby, my mindset is completely different and I know I can’t get in trouble. The staff here are really a support system—they ask about my life, I know they care about me, and they’ll hear me out and help me find a solution to whatever problem I’m facing.

“I really enjoy group CBI because everyone has different perspectives, ideas, and opinions. It’s helped me be more open-minded with everyone and everything. I have more patience with people, and I focus on my own flaws and how to fix them.

“Now, I think more about the impact of my risky behavior. I remember to stay calm and think about consequences. I want my everyday life to be a responsible and peaceful environment, and in the end, I know I can identify a solution to every roadblock or setback that comes my way.”